Billon Social

We connect impactful technologies to last mile access

Billion Social is a platform manifesting the long held belief of its founders that, some of our most critical needs can be served universally when we creatively combine technological excellence with inclusive business models that create livelihoods for the underserved communities. Their first initiative, Billion Social Masks, combines a standards tested N95-filter with cotton masks made by women self-help groups to bring safety to all while providing livelihood to many.

Billion Social is envisioned as a network of networks where likeminded academics, practitioners and community organizations come together to bring forward solutions conceptualized to serve critical needs while engaging the trust and reach of communities gainfully. The founding team of Billion Social, comprising academics and social entrepreneurs trained at IITs, Oxford University, Stanford University, and MIT, represent such a network of professionals deeply trained in their own disciplines yet bound together with a common purpose of serving communities globally.

Actualized amidst the Covid-19 crises, Billion Social hopes to be a movement that grows as more individuals and communities join out of clear and tangible benefit. The core mechanism to create such an incentive is to develop or curate world class yet affordable technology that commands sufficient margin for it to be distributed across the value chain by appropriate production and profit sharing paradigm. We believe there are many such opportunities across healthcare, energy, water, agriculture, housing, education, and environment sectors that can be served with the Billion Social philosophy.

Please visit our first initiative Billion Social Masks.